Making the Case for Micro Cable

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The Benefits of Micro Cable

  • Micro fiber can be jetted or blown through standard or microduct systems.
  • Tensile damage is minimized by jetting.
  • The forced air used to jet micro fiber can easily handle bend angles across long fiber runs.
  • Jetting is faster than pulling.
  • Jetting is less labor intensive and minimizes the number of splices necessary.
  • Micro Cable takes up less space in the duct, preserving pathway for future expansion.

Space savings examples in new duct and existing duct

Add Microduct Overrides to Existing Occupied Conduit

  • Cost-effective solution for congested pathways with existing cables
  • Offsets the cost of new construction while gaining capacity for expansion

Fill an Empty Conduit with Individual Microducts
Enjoy higher density and a smaller footprint today, plus the simplest path to future growth.
  • Defer the capital investment -- only install the fiber you need today
  • Easy technology upgrades
  • Preserve the pathways for future growth

An empty 1.25" duct can accommodate ...

Corning MiniXtend & MiniXtend HD
>>> Micro Fiber Cables
OFS Midia Micro
>>> Micro Fiber Cables

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